1er Premio


2do Premio

WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆 WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆WIN 200US$ 🏆

📣 Calling all creators! 📣

En BetterPros nos gusta fomentar la creatividad a otro nivel. Por eso, cuando invitamos a nuestra audiencia a sumarse al #BetterChallenge, buscamos que los participantes crearan un contenido digital digno de revolucionar por completo las estructuras y dimensiones de algunos de los edificios más icónicos de Estados Unidos.

Impulsamos a arquitectos, diseñadores, estudiantes y artistas de todas las disciplinas, a liberar su creatividad e imaginación para dejarnos ver una nueva perspectiva auténtica de lo que ya todos conocíamos como un símbolo popular.

Esto es el resumen la primera edición de #BetterChallenge, ¿ready?

First things first:
Choose the building

Empire State

Empire State

New york






los angeles

Get inspired

Check out these examples to inspire your montage design:

Altered Reality. Transform the Empire State Building into a vertical garden.

Urban Fusion. Blend Miami Tower with the natural beauty of Vizcaya Museum & Garden.

Futuristic Icons. Reinvent the Transamerica Pyramid with cutting-edge materials.

Nature’s Symphony. Harmonize the Getty with the Griffith Observatory’s celestial allure.

Get to the best part: Think, think, think!

Create a concept, make decisions, seek references.
Later you can define achievable tasks, choose how to complete them, define shapes, colors, layers… 

Ask yourself: What do I want to communicate? What is my project about? What makes my project valuable? What makes it beautiful?

Enjoy the process! That’s actually what this is all about. 
Work on something that represents your vision and style, something genuine, that sounds just like you.

Submit your work

The submission period will be open for one month, giving you
ample time to think, craft and share your montage design.

Check our Frequently Asked Questions

Participants must be at least 18 years old.

The opening date for submissions is July 10th, 2023.
The closing date of the contest is August 10th, 2023.

Submit a montage of a famous US building using your artistic vision and skills. Your submission can include various types of digital content, such as images, videos, or shorts. Remember to pick one building from the ones above and download the template you’ll work with. We can’t wait to see your project!

We’ll be featuring submissions on our Instagram feed, so let your creativity shine through. And keep in mind it will be shown in a carousel format with nine other projects. 

Fill out this submission form. You can download the templates in the following formats: Photoshop, Illustrator, PDF and PNG. Your project should be delivered in 1080×1350 | RGB, 150 ppi.

Be sure to provide all the necessary details and attach your montage. 

No. Each participant can submit one entry only. Show us your best work!

1. Submit your work. 
2. We’ll share your entry in rounds of 10 projects on our feed. 
3. Now, let the contest begin! Encourage people to vote for your project by commenting on the post (we will identify each project with a number and a letter). You need to share this post with friends, family and everyone who can give you a hand to receive votes. We will post all projects in different Instagram carousels at the same time, so that everyone has an equal chance to win.
4. Based on the results, we’ll progress to the next rounds until we identify the top 10 entries for the final round!
5. The voting process will be held from August 11th to August 21st. Don’t forget to let everyone know about your stunning montage! This is the key for you to succeed. Winners will be announced August 22nd.

First Prize: 200 US$
Second Prize: Experience Gift Card (Bigbox)

El diseño más votado

1er Premio

El diseño más votado

1er Premio

🏆 About previous experiences

By Giovanni Méndez (@gmstudio138)

Dibujo digital a mano alzada, collage y punto de fuga.

Hecho en tablet con app sketchbook, inspirado en el rumor de adquisición de una marca grande por otra más grande, descomponiendo el cuerpo de la estructura.

Y los finalistas son…

Más de 750 personas votaron en nuestras redes sociales y eligieron los proyectos más destacados.

Mateo Lorenzo

Jagger State


María Paz Ferrero

Echoes of Mars


Silvia Juliana Castillo

El futuro llegó hace rato


Delfín Garay

Go West, young man


María Paz Liprandi



Agustina Ottolenghi

El beso en The Gateway Arch


Tenemos más de 40 obras para mostrarte.

Creamos un ebook porque toda la creatividad no cabía en una sola página.

Descárgalo acá!

Visitá nuestra galería virtual

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